The film centres around a merciless professional hitman. He has the innocent look of an ordinary and caring civilian. This appearance can be used to mask his true nature - the old idiom of looks can be deceiving. The film is a representation of the Hollywood trope of ‘Lone Hitman’, similar to ‘John Wick’ as they are both assassins and also enjoy similar rich lifestyles. They are both professional and successful. I presented my main character as a man with good looks, and seemingly harmless, but he is, in reality, a cold, calculating and ruthless mercenary killer. This is seen by the close-up of the smile he had on his face to show his delight when he thought back to both his past deeds and possible future. His greed for money is shown by a phone call where he coldly demands a price for an assassination contract. He sees life as transactional, always in demand as a killer for hire. The victim is the opposite, his desire to kill is driven by revenge, an emotional motivator. This is repre...